Pacific Blue Cross

Enhancing onboarding journey for everyone

Pacific Blue Cross is part of the Blue Cross network who provides health insurance to over 7 million people across Canada.



As a not for profit organization, Pacific Blue Cross was keen to improve their member onboarding experiences and optimize their back-end operations.

One of the goals was to identify customer painpoints within the existing onboarding process. We also needed to bridge the gap between business, technology, staff, and customers in order to provide solutions that can be implemented effectively.


UX/UI Designer (2019)


  • Designed high fidelity concepts & prototypes

  • Tested desirability of concepts with end-users

  • Designed the customer onboarding journey

  • Designed the future onboarding service blueprint



Our team hosted co-creation workshops with business to uncover opportunities. We interviewed members to understand their pain points and experience when onboarding with PBC. One of the key findings we found was that onboarding should be a continuous process. Not only should the onboarding experience be for new members, but there is value to continue supporting existing members to drive engagement. From the co-creation workshops with various internal departments, we generated more than ten concepts. Along with the business, we narrowed it down to 3 ideas based on three factors, visibility, feasibility, and desirability. We created high fidelity prototypes to test during one-on-one interviews with end-users.

My role as the UX/UI designer was to create high fidelity prototype and visuals for validation sessions with end-users. In those sessions, we were able to understand specific pain points and opportunities from the user. Once we finalized the concepts based on user feedback, we created a service blueprint to illustrate the future onboarding experience for internal and external users, showcasing both the front and backstage processes.


Finalized Concept

Initial idea

First prototype & Validation


Concepts in real time.

To demonstrate the concepts, we created short video reels to demonstrate our prototypes in a digestible way.


At the end of the six-month project, we co-created solutions with Pacific Blue Cross to improve the onboarding experience for both members and the internal organization. By thinking holistically about the end to end experience, we learned that the value comes through various designed moments integrated throughout the member’s entire experience with Pacific Blue Cross.



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